The Script connect to the exchange online and AzureAD or your on-premises Environment. It collects the Mailbox information (UserPrincipalName) from the exchange online or on-premise Environment and the LineURI form AzureAD. The phonenumber will be modified to be usable as Extention to enable the UM Role on Exchange for all Users. The Script Lists all existing UM-Policies and shows it a chooseble options during the Script.
V1.00, 2017/11/03 - Initial version - (Enable UM in exchange online)
V2.00, 2017/11/14 - Added on-premise as a options | choose between Office365 and on-premise environment after starting Script to enable UM
V2.10, 2017/11/18 - Added the option to choose the Extension number length during the script execution, Added AzureAD module check (if O365 is selected)
V2.50, 2017/11/18 - Added support for MSonline module, added comments, added error count for summary
V2.52, 2017/12/04 - Added selection menu for recipient types, added check if assigned plans for user includes services 'MicrosoftCommunicationsOnline' and 'exchange'
A Documentation about the Script how it works you can find in my Blog here:
This script is tested on these platforms by the author. It is likely to work on other platforms as well. If you try it and find that it works on another platform, please add a note to the script discussion to let others know.