Last day at Microsoft Ignite 2018, for me personally there are two sessions waiting for me. The Expo has already closed, and some Attendee already went home. For me that is not an option, even if there are only two sessions left, they were absolutely worth to go. – At least I see it like that.
However, coming this morning to the Convention centre, it felt a bit unreal, I was waiting and planning this convention for myself months long, and now the event is almost finished. From the other hand, I am also tired, four past days were intensive for me and my last splitter I have written at night after the celebration in the Universal Studio. So, I also didn’t sleep that much last night.
First session
The first session today started almost like the last one, day before ended. It was a session from Microsoft MVP and Exchange Master Brian Reid. Brian was talking today in his session about E-Mail phishing and how to protect our domains from E-Mail impersonations. It also was about ensuring E-Mails are authenticated, so the system knows, that the sender is really the sender. What I really like by the sessions of Brian is, how he builds his sessions. In the beginning he was explaining the crowd what SPF Record is, what is DKIN or DMARK. So, everyone had a chance to follow him during his presentation.
I personally will be writing in a short time an article here on my blog, about some deeper points from this session.
However, Brian also showed, how the settings has to be made in the Office 365 portal that everything works out well.
Let’s have a play…
Between my two sessions today I had a gap for around two and a half hours. At the same time the Expo by itself was already closed, so I didn’t have much to do on that moment. That’s why I have decided to have a seat in the X-Box lounge and to play. I was sitting on the chair and next to me was an Engineer from Sweden and Nigeria. I didn’t remember the names of these two guys, but we had a nice conversation about our jobs and how IT is going forward in our countries. After few games with FIFA 19, and watching a guy from Philadelphia playing Tomb Raider I really started freezing and went a bit out to the sun. Realising that in the end of September is still more than 32 degrees outside, made me kind of happy.
Last session for this year…
Here it is… The last one for this year… This session was hosted by Scott Schnoll, a Microsoft senior Program Manager on Office 365. His session was about tips and tricks for Microsoft Exchange and Office 365. In the beginning Scott has repeated some points from the Monday session about Exchange 2019 about dividing Exchange 2019 and Exchange online in the future. He also repeated what will be different in the new Exchange Server, as example, the removing of unified Messaging and that Exchange 2019 will only be supported on Windows server 2019. However, all this information you can find in my Day 1 splitter about the Ignite 2018.
Other things he was presenting were about the Mailbox auto reply and time Zones. By default, all Exchange servers use GMT for their time zone settings. However, another topic was about running Windows antivirus software on Exchange (including Windows defender) and how this has to be configured. I will write later more about this in a dedicated article.
The next point was about the best practice for health Mailboxes and how to decommissionate on-prem server in the right way. Yes, you got it, later in a dedicated article… (Boy, it looks like I will have a lot to do during next weeks) 😉
Scott also spoke about preventing Data Loss and showed us some changes to EOP IP address ranges.
Bye bye and thank you Microsoft…
This is it, Microsoft Ignite 2018 is over now. I had a really good time here in Orlando meeting new people and listening to a lot of mostly good sessions. If I have a look on my Smart Watch I have made (included the Universal Studios) 97’575 steps, that is around 71.4 Kilometre s in five days. Even wearing comfortable shoes, I feel that my feet need now some time to relax in the pool. for my side I will stay few days more here in Orlando for a short relax, before I will fly back home to Switzerland to my family.
I really hope you enjoyed my splitter about Ignite written as a dairy. I have a last sentence to tell you: “Thank you for staying with my articles” and a very last photo in this article from Ignite 2018…