In this article I describe another small script that should simplify the daily work with Microsoft Intune.

This is about the topic of share mapping.

For this purpose I have created a script where certain configurations can be made. After this script has run successfully, we get a small PS1 file as output, which we can then distribute with Microsoft Intune.

Let us begin:

First, the script asks for a customer name. This is because this script can be used for different clients and so we have an overview.
The next step asks for the share letter. This is the one that will later be displayed on the client computer.
In this step we enter the mapping path
Now the script checks whether the corresponding directory C:\MDM\Network_Share_Configuration exists.

If this directory does not exist, it will be created at this point.

In this step, the PowerShell file is created that will later be required for Microsoft Intune.
The configuration is complete.
A new folder has been created under the path C:\MDM\Network_Share_Configuration. This is related to the client or the environment.
The corresponding PowerShell file is located here. The name of the file again shows the customer and which drive letter it is.
When this PowerShell file is opened, it immediately becomes apparent that it contains some registry entries that are to be set later on the client computer. These are stored natively in this script.
This file can now be uploaded to Microsoft Endpoint Manager as a PowerShell script and distributed and configured as required.

This script is not an epic development, it is primarily intended to simplify the work.


You can download the script itself on GitHub absolutely free of charge.

You can find the link here:
