By setting up or configuring software it is always necessary to make documentations.
To document the installation or configuration steps there are a lot of tools on the market. One of them is a Microsoft onboard tool, which is called “Steps Recorder”.To start it you simply hit the Windows Start Button on your keyboard and start typing “Steps Recorder”
After this, you will get a small window, where you can start recording all of your steps.
More informations about this Tool you can find on the following Microsoft Support Site:
Or in the Microsoft Blog from Pat Altimore here:
So far so good, but what about Powershell?
How to record or document the used Powershell commands?
Microsoft has a solution for that, too:
The PowerShell console includes a transcript feature to help you record all your activities at the prompt. As of this writing, you cannot use this feature in the PowerShell application. Commands you use with transcripts include the following:
Start-Transcript initializes a transcript file and then creates a record of all subsequent actions in the PowerShell session. Use the following syntax:
Start-Transcript [[-path] FilePath] [-force] [-noClobber] [-append]
Stop-Transcript stops recording the actions in the session and finalizes the transcript. Use the following syntax:
You tell PowerShell to start recording your activities using the Start-Transcript cmdlet. This cmdlet creates a text transcript that includes all commands that you type at the prompt and all the output from these commands that appears on the console.
Here, FilePath specifies an alternate save location for the transcript file. Although you cannot use wildcards when you set the path, you can use variables. The directories in the path must exist or the command will fail.
The –Force parameter lets you override restrictions that prevent the command from succeeding. However, it will not modify security or change file permissions.
By default, if a transcript file exists in the specified path, Start-Transcript will overwrite the file without warning. The –noClobber parameter lets you prevent Windows PowerShell from overwriting an existing file.
And the –Append parameter will add the new transcript to the end of an existing file.
When you want to stop recording the transcript, you can either exit the console or type Stop-Transcript. The Stop-Transcript cmdlet requires no additional parameters.
For more Informations about the transcript commands you can visit the following Microsoft article: