This Script collects all necessary information about Mobile Devices and Users from the Exchange Environment and Active Directory in your Forrest. All collected information will be exported to a CSV File located in the same destination where the Script itself is located. A detailed description and how to use it can be found on my […]
.DESCRIPTION The Script connect to the exchange online and AzureAD or your on-premises Environment. It collects the Mailbox information (UserPrincipalName) from the exchange online or on-premise Environment and the LineURI form AzureAD. The phonenumber will be modified to be usable as Extention to enable the UM Role on Exchange for all Users. The Script Lists all existing […]
A script for Exchange server, which works like a suite for Exchange administrators and OPS. This script helps to prepare Exchange installations, the installation itself and the administration afterwards. A documentation can be found on the link below: This script helps to follow each important steps for all administrators to do quick tasks […]
This script helps by creating or recreating a supported state for hybrid Exchange. If on-premise Exchange mailboxes were migrated with third party tools to exchange online, this script can merge the “old” on premise Mailboxes with the current Exchange online Mailboxes. The script is editing the on-premise mailboxes to become remote mailboxes, sets the routing […]
.DESCRIPTION This Script is setting up the most common Mail Address Policies. By running this Scrit you will create the Following Policies: For Resources > SMTP: alias@Internal-Domain Primary Mail Address > SMTP: Given name.Middle initial.Surname@external-Domain (including 2nd one for the Internal-Domain like alias@Internal-Domain) Secondary Mail Address > SMTP: Given name.Middle initial.Surname@Accepted-Domain (including 2nd one for the Internal-Domain like […]
Microsoft sees midsize businesses as users of Office 365 and is setting things in motion to facilitate the migration of a local Exchange environment to the online office. For example, the Microsoft Hybrid Wizard with the Hybrid Agent has received an update that has been available since last February and was updated in April 2019. […]
Every Microsoft product is very complex in itself, depending on the role and functionality there are different communication channels and protocols which communicate with each other. The same is also true for Exchange. Although Exchange has been rolled out again as a multirole system since the 2013 version, we are thinking back briefly to the […]